Welcome to Dongguan Simi Precision Mould Co., Ltd
Tel:+86 18819112349
  • 132023-02
    The times are changing. Now the production of the products of the processing factory is processed by automatic assembly line, and the overall effect is relatively good. With the development speed of our industry, it is getting better and better. Precision grinding is also relatively high in requirements. What is the processing technology?
  • 132023-02
    No matter what the work is, there will be some problems that we can't predict in the process of work. Before these problems occur, we must make some preparations. It will be easy to deal with them and will not affect our production efficiency. So let's understand what matters should be paid attention to in the process of precision parts processing?
  • 132023-02
    When this problem occurs, remove the tool of the spindle and turn the No.1 tool sleeve to the tool change position. What are the common faults of computer gong processing?
  • 132023-02
    Various molds and tools used in industrial production to obtain the required products by injection molding, blow molding, extrusion, die casting or forging molding, smelting, stamping, stretching and other methods
  • 132023-02
    The perfect product is not only from the mold structure, but also closely related to the product's own conditions and the choice of injection molding machine.
  • 132023-02
    If the flatness of the product is adjusted, it often brings many troubles to the injection molding staff, resulting in low production efficiency and high scrap rate. Consider the following factors and methods to help enterprises improve efficiency.
  • 122023-02
    The precision of Erowa clamp, the precision of electrode, the precision of workpiece shape and the care of personnel are closely connected
  • 122023-02
    Precision grinding generally requires professional staff or professional working team. Because of the requirement of sharpness and the quality of work, the details of processing should not be ignored. For some parts processing tools used, proper maintenance can also help precision grinding. What are the conditions that cannot be ignored in the processing process? The following answer!
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Tel:+86 18819112349    Fax: 086-769-81584891
Dongguan Simi Precision Mould Co., Ltd. Room 101, No. 1, Xiabian Jiangbian 14th Lane, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province